Choosing whether to repair or replace your windows can be a difficult question to answer. You may find some issues on some of your windows, but you’re left wondering if replacing them all at once will be the practical move to make. And how can you tell if the new windows you’re getting are of good quality?
… Continue Reading3 Handy Daylighting Tips Using Windows
Increasing access to natural light can make a huge difference to the look and feel of your living space. But how exactly do you achieve better daylighting in your home? Easy–just have new windows added into your home and use them to best effect. Triangle Home Exteriors, one of the trusted home exterior remodeling companies in the area, shares some handy tips.
… Continue ReadingWhy Your Double-Pane Windows are Discolored
Most windows available today are double-paned, a design that allows for better thermal performance and helps keep energy costs to a minimum. But like traditional windows, they are prone to a number of issues–one of which is discoloration. So what exactly causes discoloration in double-pane units? One of the area’s trusted home exterior remodeling companies, Triangle Home Exteriors, discusses it here.