When considering the upkeep or renovation of your home’s exterior, understanding the difference between a roof estimate and a roof inspection is crucial. Both services play essential roles in maintaining the integrity of your roof, yet they serve distinct purposes. To save you time and resources, let’s go over their differences in this post.
… Continue Reading4 Reasons Ice Dams Form
Ice dams can cause serious problems for homeowners, and home exterior remodeling companies in Cary, NC, take them very seriously. In this article, we discuss some of the top reasons they form, as well as the steps you can take to deal with them.
… Continue ReadingMetal vs. Asphalt Shingle Roofing: A Quick Guide
The longevity and overall performance of your new roofing system will depend on the material it uses. And given how there are plenty of options available today, choosing can be overwhelming. You can’t go wrong with either an asphalt shingle or metal roof, however. Both offer excellent features that make them a worthy investment. Triangle Home Exteriors, one of the area’s trusted home exterior remodeling companies, shares a quick comparison.