For homeowners, the roof over their heads offers more than just protection from the elements; it’s a significant investment in their property. One of the most common roofing materials in this region is asphalt shingles, known for their durability, cost-effectiveness, and aesthetic appeal. However, granule loss, a common issue with asphalt shingles, can often cause concern.
… Continue ReadingAsphalt Shingle Maintenance: 4 Mistakes to Avoid
Homeowners are just as responsible for maintaining their asphalt shingle roofs. Visual inspections, keeping up with maintenance appointments — these are key tasks that only you, the homeowner, can do. In today’s post, the local roofing and contractors at Triangle Home Exteriors helps ensure the success of your roofing maintenance tasks by sharing these four maintenance mistakes you need to avoid.
… Continue ReadingDebunking 4 Common Asphalt Roofing Myths
Despite the popularity of asphalt shingle roofing systems, many homeowners aren’t too aware of this roofing material. While some do, their knowledge of it stems from misconceptions that, unfortunately, continue to circulate in home improvement and roofing industries to this day. As a trusted roof replacement contractor in the area, we debunk four of the most common asphalt shingle roofing myths.
… Continue ReadingMetal vs. Asphalt Shingle Roofing: A Quick Guide
The longevity and overall performance of your new roofing system will depend on the material it uses. And given how there are plenty of options available today, choosing can be overwhelming. You can’t go wrong with either an asphalt shingle or metal roof, however. Both offer excellent features that make them a worthy investment. Triangle Home Exteriors, one of the area’s trusted home exterior remodeling companies, shares a quick comparison.
Everything You Need to Know About Curling Asphalt Shingles
Curling is one of the most common signs of asphalt shingle wear and usually indicates the need for roof replacement. In this blog, Triangle Home Exteriors share a close look at why asphalt shingles curl and what you need to do if you find it on your roof.