Searching for reputable home exterior remodeling companies in Raleigh, NC, can be challenging. To make sure you’re hiring a trustworthy and dependable contractor, it’s essential to read reviews, talk to previous customers and ask all of your pertinent questions before signing a service contract. Below are eight vital questions that need to be asked when speaking with roofer references.

1. What Kind of Roofing Services Did the Roofer Provide?
This is an important question when considering roofers as the type of job they specialize in will differ greatly. Inquire about the types of projects the roofing contractor has completed in the past and any specialty services they provide.
2. How Did the Roofer Handle Any Unexpected Problems?
No job will be entirely problem-free. Issues such as weather delays or access issues can arise during the course of a roof replacement in Raleigh, NC. Ask the roofer references how the contractor solved any unexpected problems that occurred during their project and if they found affordable solutions.
3. Was the Roofer Punctual and Professional?
Service punctuality and professionalism are essential when it comes to reliable roofer references. You want a fully licensed contractor with experience, who arrives on time and is courteous while on the job. Ask your references if they were satisfied with the general demeanor of the roofer’s staff or crew during their project.
4. Did the Roofer Finish the Project on Time and Within Budget?
It’s essential to establish that the roofer followed through on their commitments and finished the job on time. No delays due to improper materials or a lack of manpower should have occurred. It’s also important to be clear about budgeting expectations ahead of time, as many issues during installation can increase costs if not managed properly by an experienced contractor. Ask your references what happened if there were any unforeseen charges and whether they felt it was adequately covered in the project scope.
5. Was the Roofer’s Quality of Work Satisfactory?
The overall quality of an experienced roofer should be of a very high standard. Regardless if it’s an asphalt, tile or copper roof installation, all materials used during the project should meet manufacturer specifications and be installed correctly to ensure leak-proof protection for years.
6. Was the Roofer Easy to Communicate With?
A good line of communication must be established to ensure successful project completion. Having an open dialogue with your contractor will ensure they stay within budget while delivering services effectively. Did references feel they were able to communicate easily with their service provider leading up to, during and after the job?
7. Did They Clean Up After the Job Was Completed?
Ask your references if any debris on site were promptly removed. Our contractors take pride in leaving a job site tidy, ensuring no stray nails or other materials are left behind.
8. Would You Hire Them Again?
Knowing that your reference will hire the same roofing contractor sums up their experience, whether it’s a positive or negative one.
If you’re looking for experienced and certified roofers and siding contractors in Raleigh, NC, Triangle Home Exteriors is an ideal choice! Our team strives to ensure that all home improvement projects are completed on time, within budget and to your satisfaction. Have any project questions? Call us at (919) 615-1101 or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation.