As the weather warms up in Raleigh, NC, it is important to begin preparing your deck for another season of outdoor fun and entertaining. That said, checking the deck’s condition must be at the top of your priority list to ensure your gatherings are safe and enjoyable.

Benefits of Deck Preparation
Taking the time to thoroughly evaluate your deck has numerous advantages. It allows you to address problems early and avoid costly repairs. Below are some other reasons why you should prepare your deck sooner.
Increased Safety
A structurally sound deck is essential for gatherings and entertaining. Deteriorating deck boards, a lack of railing integrity, loose guard posts and corroding hardware can all contribute to an unsafe environment that is at risk of collapsing. Preparing your deck before the spring rush ensures everyone can enjoy the space with peace of mind knowing it’s secure.
Improved Aesthetics
Due to prolonged exposure to the elements during winter, your deck may have diminished in appearance. By preparing the deck for spring prior to guests arriving at your home, you can rest assured knowing that all eyes will be admiring a beautiful and well-maintained area.
Increased Property Value
If you’re considering putting your home up for sale, a regular routine check of your deck will be key to attracting potential buyers and helping to increase the value of your house. A restored deck can even bring anywhere from a 70-87% return on investment!
Steps to Prepare Your Deck for Spring
The first step to preparing your deck for spring is to give it a good cleaning. Wash away dirt and debris with an outdoor power washer or hose, brush cleanser into board cracks, and then rinse off the boards so they’re free of grime and mildew.
After cleaning, check every inch of your deck’s floorboards, connections, railing posts and stairs for damage due to winter wear and tear. If any issues are present, such as rotten wood or corroding hardware, take note of them so you can address them promptly before using the space.
Once all problem areas have been identified on your deck, bring in professionals like Triangle Home Exteriors — one of the best home exterior remodeling companies in Cary, NC — for expert repairs if needed. Even small projects such as replacing protruding screws or securing loose planks can help make sure that you have a secure area to gather with family and friends during warmer weather.
Whether you’re hiring a professional contractor or handling smaller jobs yourself, always opt for high-quality materials when repairing or restoring any part of your home’s exterior. This includes sealers that offer protection against moisture, ultraviolet radiation exposure and other elements common to the climate conditions in Raleigh, NC, during this season.
The spring season is the perfect time for homeowners to check and prepare their decks for gathering and entertaining in Raleigh, NC. Triangle Home Exteriors is one of the most preferred decking and siding contractors in Cary, NC. If you want to go all out on your exterior remodeling, we also offer roof replacement services. Contact us at (919) 615-1101 or complete our online form to schedule a consultation.