If you’re keen on adding more style to your deck, one simple but effective way to do this is by adding a pattern to your deck design. Much like in roof replacement, a nice pattern in your deck can easily add flair and elevate the look of your home exterior. In this post, Triangle Home Exteriors lists three deck patterns that you can choose from:

A diagonal pattern does not only enhance your deck design. It can also increase the strength of the deck frame, thus preventing racking and making the installation of sway bracing unnecessary. Some contractors, however, will tell you that diagonal decking will likely increase your waste factor and involve more labor since the technique requires more cuts. But with proper planning, you can avoid so much wastage.
This is generally the easiest deck pattern to do. But home exterior remodeling companies will have to install sway bracing before they can start working on the actual deck. This is meant to protect the deck from cracking.
With horizontal decking, the deck boards should be placed parallel to the home over the joists. The deck boards should also be fastened at every joist using two nails, two screws or a hidden fastener system. It’s crucial for the deck builders to use the correct size of fasteners. The fasteners should also be compatible with your decking material.
Herringbone is certainly an eye-catching pattern. It involves the intersection of two opposing diagonal decking patterns, which combine in the center of the deck without the alternating zipper effect. To add a more interesting appeal to your herringbone decking, you might want to consider using contrasting colors for the deck boards.
If you’re looking for a highly dependable and trustworthy company, Triangle Home Exteriors is one of the best deck and siding contractors in the area. We have over 40 years of experience in providing home improvement services, so you can expect high-quality work from our team. Call us at (919) 615-1101 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We serve customers in Raleigh, NC, and the surrounding areas.